March 2020 Goals
Not a bad place to be stuck…
I set rules and goals for myself for February, which I think helped keep me motivated and sane in my first month of not working, so I’m going to do the same for March.
An update on February goals:
Prepare for moving: I have completed a purge of my own wardrobe, the miscellaneous closet, and my daughter’s room. Cut the number of books in half and removed all the toys with batteries or annoying small pieces, which so far she hasn’t noticed. Still to be done: Man who Works’ wardrobe, kitchen (although most kitchen things we will give away when we leave). Further moving prep is on hold...we will stay in East Africa for another few months as now even incoming visitors to China are being quarantined. So far no confirmed cases here, but also no one is testing. We are much more likely to die of something other than coronavirus here, so why worry!
Half-way through the purge…there will be no nice ‘after’ photos until it gets into 2 suitcases!
2. I made it to the top of Kilimanjaro and did not die! I even kept my promise to my sister-in-law by ensuring my brother also did not perish. It’s been over a week since the descent and I can almost feel my big toes again.
I also successfully followed all three of my ground rules every weekday in February except one post-Kili day when instead of exercising I soaked my poor blistered and battered feet in a salt bath while binge-watching Grace and Frankie. I’m going to give myself a pass for that one.
This month I am hoping to do some short trips around the region, constrained only by Man who Works’ silly work schedule. I miss the days when he was his own boss! So I’m keeping March’s goals fairly low-key, in anticipation of last-minute travel and other opportunities for fun.
Goals for March:
Write every weekday
Complete 2 courses on Coursera
While I was alone with my thoughts hiking, I came up with lots of topics I would like to write more about. What I need is the discipline to actually open the computer and put those thoughts on e-paper. I hope by setting this goal I can force myself to create a new habit.
I love the idea of free online courses and am really good at finding and starting them on Coursera. What I am less good at is finishing them. I’m currently partway through The Science of Well Being from Yale and Fundamentals of Graphic Design from the California Institute of the Arts. So I’m either going to finish those two, or find others I can make it through in a month! There are so many things I want to learn about but I am so, so lazy. I'm setting this goal to hold myself publicly accountable for finishing what I start. Or at least finishing some of what I start.