How I accidentally got a job

Goodbye lady who lunches, hello lady who power lunches.

Back in October, I signed up to be a part-time volunteer for the North Carolina Democratic Party Voter Protection program, which they somehow talked me into doing more-than-full-time. While in the end Biden lost NC (although our Democratic governor was re-elected), it was nice to have something to do every day and other adults to talk to, plus kept me from doom-scrolling the news.

When the election was over, I was back to doing not much. Tired of listening to Man Who Works complain about his new company, I made him a plan for how to improve their marketing. He set up a meeting with his boss, who then offered me a job.

I was certainly not expecting a job offer, but it solved two major problems I have been experiencing: boredom and visa eligibility.

The pandemic has probably contributed to my boredom, since travel is limited and schools are still out here in Mexico - while my daughter does have outdoor ‘school’ for a few hours a day, it is not enough for me to accomplish much of anything. The limbo we are in with our move to China has also prevented me from investing much effort in anything tied to our current location. If I were a less lazy person, I would have signed up for virtual Spanish classes. My excuse is we were always thinking we would leave soon, but now it looks like we might spend almost a full year here. Oops.

Would I be bored in a (mostly) COVID-free China? I’m not sure. There is always a busy time when you arrive, and I know eventually I will make friends, especially with now my daughter old enough for an international school.

In the before times, I was thinking of creative visa solutions. Man who Works and I are not married, which means I cannot qualify as his dependant, only our daughter. I had high hopes for getting a 30-day multi-entry visa and then jet-setting out to visit friends in Thailand, Laos, Australia, etc - but of course, that dream is now dead.

This job offer included a work visa for China- so problem solved. It also happens to pay a good salary, and most importantly for me, I strongly believe in the value of the work the company is doing. So with the blessing of Man who Works, I regained my Woman who Works status.

I feel an extra need to prove my value since I can easily be seen as a nepotism hire, but so far it hasn’t been an issue. My hobby of sleeping has also taken a hit, since I’m working with the Kenya team in the early morning hours and the China team in the night, but that will get better when we (fingers crossed) move to China in a few months.

I was a little worried about working closely with Man who Works- but I think it has actually decreased tension in our relationship. Now I get paid to listen to him complain about work, and am actually in the position to do something about it. Plus, I am hassling him less about working weird hours because I am too.

I am very aware of how lucky I am to have an interesting high-paying job drop into my lap, especially in the current economy. I’m hoping to work two years while we are in China, then give being a lady who lunches another try. By then the pandemic will hopefully be over, we will be very financially secure, and able to focus more on giving back.
